Saturday, March 12, 2011

 Not finished, but working on it:
Watercolor, colored pencil, graphite on paper

After a long hiatus from making art, (actually it was only about 6 months), I have decided to put myself back into the routine of making art, without the aid of lessons, professors, and the like.  It's difficult sometimes to force yourself to do work, especially when you don't have a clear direction.  I just began working on this piece (which is in no way finished), which stemmed from taking random pictures down the road from me.  It's a long road with one of the largest flower nurseries around.  On the other side is mostly just fields, of which a section belonging to my grandfather.  There is a cemetery on the other side, with two trees that look to be identical twins.  This particular scene from the road does not capture the cemetery, but does capture the old, somewhat abandoned house next to the nursery.

Mainly why I started taking these pictures what because I wanted to catalog some skies, and that day I was lucky as it began as bright blue skies with puffy white clouds, and turned into gray, dreary skies with saddened and weighty clouds.  A painters dream when creating a catalog.

I am in the beginning of working on my next body of work.  The beginnings will be collecting things for this body of work, which I will add to over time.  I have in mind some small pieces, and one particular large piece.  We shall see as it develops.

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